Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My team Logo

POWER BULL - The minotaur holds a rugby ball in one hand and on the other
a thunder that is related to power.

FURIOUS ENERGY - Two thunders on the place that suppose to be the horn.
Just eyes and maybe nose of the minotaur.

KNNOSSOS POWER - Knnossos is the place where the labyrinth that was made for the minotaur were.
Use of the name and the buff shape of the bull to emphases the power of the beast. 

The three first concepts are related to the Greek God Minotaur illustrating some of his characteristics as power, anger, persistence, determination. 
The colour combination used hasn't been used yet for any of the league teams. (NRL)
The logo is going to be for a team on the NRL (Rugby). 


  1. I like your first concept " Power Bull".Because Power Bull have a high visual and have power feeling.I think the colour change the bright colour, maybe is best.
    2nd, I think it isn't strong message to show the logo.I think the eye should more bigger that the 2 thunders.may be will better.
    3th, I think this logo isn't clear to understand.It have clear the graphic and draw some symbol about the Greek God Minotaur .

  2. i think your first concept is the strongest for a rugby team, it clearly displays power and strength. The large shoulders represent how a rugby players looks.
    The second concept is probably the weakest, maybe it needs more representation of the eyes, making them bold, determined and powerful.
    The shape of the third concept works quite well, as it is an overpowering shape, however I think it needs more detail so we know what it is. overall the shape of a triangle works well though.
